We are delighted to offer tinnitus therapy courses to help reduce the negative effects that tinnitus can have on a patient’s quality of life. This established approach involves a personally tailored course, aimed at reducing both the severity of tinnitus as well as the emotional and phycological distress and anxiety that many tinnitus patients experience. A combination of different techniques including mindfulness, relaxation therapies, sound therapy, breathing exercises and cognitive behavioural therapy may be recommended.
The course is taken by Ruth Bannister BSc, who is specially trained in tinnitus management and is a tinnitus sufferer herself. It comprises of a combination of face-to-face or video consultations, telephone and email contacts and exercises and ‘homework’ set for each patient to complete between sessions or meetings, with the objective of patient’s gaining a greater understanding of and reducing the impact of their tinnitus.
Tinnitus Therapy is suitable for some, but not all, tinnitus patients. We will triage interested patients to establish their suitability for the course and ask them to complete a brief questionnaire about their tinnitus and their more general hearing health, prior to acceptance on the course.
You can find more details on this tinnitus therapy course here